Canine First Aid
Contributed by David Candline
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A thread that came up recently mentioned that someone knew about Benadryl but wondered how administer it. That question suggested that some folks on the list might find some first aid tips useful. I thought I would cover four distinct topics: assembling a first aid kit, CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and vital signs/transporting an injured dog.
I would be pleased to have anyone add their thoughts or suggestions to
these posts as I go along.
Here then is a suggested first aid kit:.
- A plastic fishing tackle box makes a great, portable kit. Throw it in the
car when you travel. Don't buy it until you have assembled your contents
so that you don't end up with a box that is too small.
- Gauze pads and rolls, mainly for bandaging and pressure control of bleeding.
A gauze roll can also be used to fashion an emergency muzzle for use on a
dog that is in pain.
- Adhesive tape.
- Hydrogen peroxide. Use to induce vomiting if you suspect a poison or non
caustic substance has been swallowed. Administer 20cc's wait 5 minutes,
repeat if necessary until dog vomits.
- Pepto Bismal. Administer if a caustic ( lye ) has been ingested.
- Iodine/Dettol to disinfect minor wounds.
- Contact Lens all purpose cleaning solution. Use to flush foreign material
out of eyes or wounds.
- Sterile Lubricant - KY jelly use to lubricate thermometer, also use to
cover an open sore or wound. Don't use vaseline, it is not water soluble
but KY Jelly is.
- Tweezers.
- Aspirin / Bufferin NOT Tylenol which is toxic to small dogs.
- Cotton tip Applicators.
- Benadryl. We've already discussed - an anti histamine, it will help if
your dog has an allergic reaction.
- Thermometer.
- Syringes - get these at a drug store you don't need the needles, but the
syringe lets you administer fluids in specific volumes by squirting the
fluid between the dog's teeth near the back of the mouth. ( sneaky eh ? ).
Make sure your druggist explains the volume markings to you.
- Pliers. Make sure these are side cutters. Pliers can be used to push fish
hooks through the skin and the side cutters to cut off the tips when they
have been exposed. If you can't expose the tip of the hook, leave it for
the Vet. DON"T cut porcupine quills, they do not deflate and they are not
easier to remove.
- Towels can be used as bandages, to carry and wrap an injured dog.
- Scissors.
- Surgical clamps.
- and a great product - Vetrap by the 3M company. These are self adhering
bandage rolls, they come in great colors and can be wrapped around a
bandage or a limb and it sticks to itself without adhesive tape. Does not
stick to the dog's hair so it is easy to remove. Be careful not to apply
it too tightly it is elasticized and will not loosen up once applied.